Sugar Land Sedation Dentistry
From mild dental nerves to severe anxiety and avoidance of the dentist, worrying over your dental appointment is a normal feeling for many people. At our practice, we strive to keep you comfortable at all stages of your appointment, including while you’re in the treatment room. In order to keep you feeling relaxed through your procedure, we offer a number of different sedation options. We also make sure to work at a pace that you’re comfortable with, so if you ever need us to slow down or you’d like a break, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Nitrous Oxide
This sweet-smelling gas, also known as laughing gas, creates a heightened sense of relaxation. We administer nitrous oxide through a mask worn over the nose. Breathe it in while we work to ease your nerves. Once your procedure is over, we’ll remove the mask. After breathing normal air for just a few minutes, you’ll feel back to normal!
Oral Conscious Sedation
For moderate dental anxiety or more intensive procedures, we may recommend oral conscious sedation. With this, we will prescribe a pill for you to take shortly before your appointment begins. By the time you’re in the chair, you will be completely relaxed but still conscious so we can still talk with you during the appointment. The effects of the pill will wear off a few hours after your appointment, so you will need to have someone drive you home afterward.
IV Sedation
If you’re getting a complex procedure, IV sedation may be your best sedation option. We carefully monitor your sedation levels throughout your appointment to ensure your comfort and safety. We’ll walk you through the sedation and procedure before we begin so you can ask any questions you might have. We require that anyone undergoing IV sedation have someone to drive them home after their appointment.
We know that many of our patients suffer from dental anxiety, and that can be heightened simply by needing to see a specialist instead of their normal dentist. We want to help everyone feel relaxed in the dental chair, so we offer a variety of sedation options to keep the nerves at bay. From “laughing gas” to oral conscious sedation to IV sedation, we can help patients with all levels of dental anxiety feel at ease, letting us work more quickly and efficiently. If you have concerns about receiving treatment and want to learn more about how sedation dentistry can help you, speak with any of our friendly team members.